Dr Manel Esteller, Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Barcelona, has been recognised by the jury of the XXI Burdinola Research Award as the winner of this award, which in this edition has sought to distinguish the most outstanding work in the field of research into "New therapeutic strategies, active pharmaceutical ingredients and molecular targets in medicine".
The recognition of Dr Manel Esteller is due to his extensive and brilliant scientific career, from his pioneering discoveries of the first tumor suppressor genes inactivated by DNA hypermethylation in human cancer to the discovery of epigenetic inactivation of the MGMT gene as a predictor of responses to glioma chemotherapy and its subsequent approval for clinical use. The discovery of the epigenomic test to diagnose cancer of unknown origin, as well as the epigenomic test to diagnose cancer of unknown origin, has allowed Dr. Esteller to broaden knowledge in this discipline and bring it closer to clinical practice. His preclinical research has been key to the approval of epigenetic cancer drugs.
Support to research
An activity in direct contact with the research teams and a special sensitivity to the social environment led Burdinola to come up with the idea of creating an award that would contribute to the recognition, valuation and encouragement of the scientific community. This aim materialised in 1994 with the launch of the first Burdinola Research Award. Since then, the list of winners has been growing with great names in Spanish scientific activity.
Prestigious jury
Throughout these years, another of the hallmarks of the prize has been the high scientific level of the members of the jury. In this twenty-first edition, seven experts have evaluated the different candidatures and finally, taking into account the theme of this edition, they have agreed to award the prize to Dr. Manel Esteller. The jury for this edition was chaired by Mr. Joseba Pineda, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing of the UPV- EHU, being the secretary Alfonso Hernández, Director of the Euskoiker.
The evaluation committee had five members: Mr. Benedicto Crespo (Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the UGC HU Virgen del Rocío in Seville), Ms. Mª Ángeles Moro (PhD in Pharmacy from the UAH and head of the Neurovascular Physiopathology Group at the CNIC), Mr. Javier Meana (Professor of Pharmacology at the UPV-EHU), Mr. Marcos Hoyos (Scientific Director at the Valdecilla Research Institute -IDIVAL-) and Mr. Mikel Martínez (CEO of the Valdecilla Research Institute -IDIVAL-). Javier Meana (Professor of Pharmacology at the UPV-EHU), Mr. Marcos Hoyos (Scientific Director at the Valdecilla Research Institute -IDIVAL-) and Mr. Mikel Martínez (CEO of Burdinola, the latter with voice but without vote).
In its decision, the jury also wanted to highlight the high level of the 23 candidatures presented in this latest call for the Burdinola Research Award.
Award ceremony
The award ceremony for the XXI Burdinola Research Award will take place on 16 September in the auditorium of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute. Details of the event will be announced at a later date.