26 Février 2020

Burdinola takes part in the BEM 2020, one of the most important events in Europe in the field of eco-design

An exhibition of Basque eco-designed products will also be held at the same time, where Burdinola will exhibit its Become ST 1500 fume cupboard.

Image of product industrial design specialists at BEM 2020 (Basque ECO Design Meeting)

The 2020 edition of the Basque Ecodesign Meeting will take place at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao until Friday 28th, promoted by the Basque Government's Department of the Environment and the Basque Ecodesign Center. The event will bring together industrial product design specialists from across Europe to analyse the implications of the transition to a circular economy model for industry in Europe and to discuss the business opportunities and improved business competitiveness that this model offers.

Topics such as servitisation, environmental product design, eco-design, programmed obsolescence, eco-innovation, circular and life cycle analyses and much more will be covered over two days aimed at business and industry.

This year also marks 20 years since the implementation of the first eco-design projects in the Basque Country. A major exhibition of Basque eco-designed products, entitled “20 years of ECODESIGN made in EUSKADI”, will be held at the Euskalduna Conference Centre to coincide with the Basque Ecodesign Meeting, to publicise the work carried out by Basque companies over the last 20 years and to serve as a means of recognition by the Basque Government of the work carried out by Basque companies in this field. 

For its part, Burdinola will exhibit its Become ST 1500 fume cupboard, thereby raising the profile of its transition process towards a more circular economy model, putting products on the market with a lower environmental impact throughout their life cycle.

The event was opened by the Basque Government's Minister for the Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing, Iñaki Arriola. He was accompanied at the inauguration by representatives of the companies taking part in the exhibition, including Burdinola. This is the first exhibition of its kind in Spain, bringing together 130 products from 98 Basque companies.

Euskalduna Conference Centre – Bilbao
From February 26 to 28

Achieved. Over recent years, many Basque companies have incorporated environmental criteria from the design and development phase of their products.

This has made it possible to put better products on the market with less environmental impact, while reducing the amount of raw materials used, incorporating recycled materials, optimising packaging, obtaining more efficient products with fewer consumables, and making them more easily recyclable. In addition, new, more circular approaches have also been introduced, resulting in the production of more durable, more easily repairable equipment, incorporating remanufacturing and ultimately leading to new circular business models.