05 December 2019

Burdinola launches the IoTLab and reaffirms its commitment to R&D and innovation

In this way, Burdinola is responding to the challenge posed by this technological revolution, allowing it to continue to improve its knowledge of its customers so as to better adapt to their needs.

Image of an IoT Ecosystem

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network that hosts different types of electronic devices connected to each other, enabling them to be controlled remotely, and facilitating the logistics and operation of our daily activities. Technology is used to enable humans and things to share data and connect to each other. This data can be processed, thereby providing information and knowledge. The aim is to be able to generate automatic actions. 

Aware of the importance that this technology is acquiring, Burdinola launched the IoTLab environment. This environment provides fume cupboards, environmental sensors and other laboratory accessories with the ability to communicate by implementing hardware and a standardised protocol in such a way as to provide functional data to anticipate maintenance procedures or optimise their operation, thereby improving the efficiency, useful life and safety provided by our equipment.

This functional data is collected in the cloud where it can be viewed by the customer and/or processed by the Burdinola Service department, allowing us to react with greater agility to our customers' needs. Thanks to the preemptive nature of immediate data analysis, Burdinola Service can resolve incidents before users are even aware of them, thereby increasing their productivity and efficiency. 

In addition, to complete the functionality of the application, Burdinola has expanded its range with new sensors for contaminating fumes, particulates, CO2, etc. 

Burdinola is responding to the current challenge posed by this technological revolution with this new service and is getting even closer to its customers.